Quality Flags and Flagpole Installation

Serving Dallas, Tyler, and Houston Areas

Providing East Texas communities with an exceptional American owned flagpole service.

At East Texas Flagpoles we offer installation and repairs to flagpoles across the region. We’ve made a commitment to offer only the highest quality American made flags and flagpoles to our customers in our effort to renew pride in our nation.

Proudly American

We are proud to be Americans and we are proud of the work we provide to our customers. Our customers continue to do business with us because of our commitment to ensure that your flagpole remains worthy of display.

Our team provides maintenance on all parts of the flag pole, and can repair and lengthen the life of our larger commercial size flags.

Reach Us

Feel free to call or use the form to email us any questions or to set up a time to discuss your flagpole needs.


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